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About Us Catholic Family Credit Union has been serving the financial needs of South Kansas City's Catholic community since 1957. Occupying a single room at St. Elizabeth Parish, CFCU, then known as St. Elizabeth Credit Union, received its charter that year as a parish-based credit union. Since its humble beginnings in that small room, the credit union has grown in number of parishes and overall membership. Currently, more than 17 local parishes, schools and organizations call CFCU home with membership exceeding 3,000 and assets approaching $10 million.
Board of Directors The board of CFCU is made up of local professionals from varying backgrounds. In order to be considered, candidates must be nominated by the nominating committee and then elected by members at the annual membership meeting. Each must be an existing member and involved within their community. Terms are for three years. The current board consists of the following members:
- Shawn Kieffer
- Kirk Walters
- David Blickhan
- Mark Heineman
- Deborah Hall
Member Organizations
- Christ the King
- Cure of Ars
- Holy Trinity
- Nativity
- St. Agnes
- St. Ann
- St. Catherine
- St. Elizabeth
- St. Louis
- St. Micheal the Archangel
- St. Peter
- St. Thomas More
- Visitation
- Avila University
- Catholic Charities of Kansas City - St. Joseph
- Rockhurst High School
- Rockhurst University
- Catholic Radio Network
Students, employees, faculty, alumni and family members of associated grade schools, high schools and universities are eligible for membership. Potential members need to complete a membership application and include a minimum deposit of $25.00. This insured savings account makes members eligible for all of the credit unions products and services. As a member of the credit union, you remain a member for life - whether you move, change jobs or retire - as long as you maintain at least a $25.00 balance (one share) in your account.
Safety The Catholic Family Credit Union is insured by the National Credit Union Administration. NCUA is an independent agency of the United States government and is authorized by Congress to insure credit unions under the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF).
- NCUSIF is funded by credit union deposits and recieves no tax dollars.
- NCUSIF insures saving of credit union members up to $250,000.
- NCUSIF has the highest capitalization of the federal insurance funds.
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